Yes, however all rates quoted are per person on a shared basis in a double berth cabin. If traveling alone, a guest may be booked with another guest of the same gender in a shared double. If you prefer a guaranteed private cabin for 1 person, a surcharge of 75% or more is added to the listed price.

Yes. On specific itineraries and on private charters, there are multiple activities and excursions suitable for non-divers. This said, taking part in a primarily water-based cruise involves activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and kayaking for which basic swimming skills are required.

Yes. Children under 16 may be accepted on-board for a private charter, subject to consent from the charter leader. The minimum age requirement for RIB (tender) boat trips is 6 years old and basic swimming skills are required. We do not provide childcare or teenager chaperon services. All responsibility for child guests lies totally with the parent(s)/guardian(s) who must accompany children at all times on the boat, in the water and on land excursions. Parents/guardians are expected to help children understand and respect all safety procedures, instructions and boat etiquette so as to permit effective management and execution of the cruise.

No. The boat consists of 4 levels with ship’s ladders connecting them including the main access from the lower-level pontoons. Two of the three guest cabins are reached by flights of stairs from the main level and are not designed per disability regulations. The areas in which we sail sometimes have waves, swell and currents. Negotiating these requires good balance and good physical condition, both on the boat and for entering and exiting tenders.

Our listed schedules are based on the best times of year to be in given areas, accounting for probable swells, waves, prevailing winds and monsoon weather. All itineraries and dive sites are subject to varied and unpredictable changes including weather and sea conditions. In addition, climate change has brought anomalies including more rain in drier periods and longer windy periods related to the Northwest and Southeast monsoon seasons.

The times for checking into the boat and checking out are indicated for each itinerary and must be observed. They are firmly tied to and based on the turn-around of the boat for the next cruise and cannot be altered. We recommend that guests arrive at least one day prior to the cruise start date and to book a return flight at least 24 hours after the arrival of the cruise vessel in port. We will not be responsible for late guest arrivals, missed flights or other connections. Schedule your time around a cruise to allow for comfortable margins.

The level of experience including number of dives required is indicated for each itinerary. Less than the minimum qualifications and diving without a buddy is not permitted for safety reasons. The dive guide will provide a detailed briefing before entering the water and remain with the group to navigate the site, looking out for any interesting marine life to share, and assisting in case of problems. The dive guide will not provide any dive training. As qualified divers, planning a safe dive and diving it safely is each diver’s responsibility. There is one guide per maximum 6 divers.

We provide a Check Dive for each of our cruises. This allows checking your buoyancy in an unfamiliar environment and re-acquainting yourself with your equipment. We reserve the right to restrict diving activities if the dive guide has any concerns regarding diver safety.

Normally yes, however, while we make every effort to follow itineraries, we cannot guarantee diving at specific sites. In adverse weather conditions, the captain of the boat has the final decision about which dive sites to visit so that guests, staff and the boat’s safety are not compromised in any way. In the unfortunate event dives are missed or dive sites are not reached due to weather conditions or other unforeseeable changes, we will not offer a refund or compensation.

Yes. In the interests of personal comfort, safety and particularly health issues, however, we recommend that divers bring their own equipment with the exception of tanks, weights and belts.

With its location ca. 4.5° south of the Equator, the Seychelles enjoy a fairly consistent climate with air temperatures typically at 25-32°C / 77-90°F and water temperatures of 24-29°C / 75-84°F. Trade winds create cooler air temperatures from June to September. The hottest month of the year tends to be April and the rainiest tend to be January and February. The islands lie outside the hurricane regions of the Indian Ocean.

Yes. We promote protection and conservation of nature and the environment on both land and sea. We require all guests to observe the following points.

  • Refrain from disturbing marine life, including chasing or teasing animals and touching or breaking corals.
  • Leave corals, fish and anything naturally found underwater in place. The same procedure is observed on land, especially with respect to plants and animals.
  • Observe the correct position of fins and equipment when swimming near corals or sandy bottoms.
  • Use sunscreens, soaps, shampoos, etc. manufactured for environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Carry reusable water flasks for hydration during tender drives or for excursions on land.

In short, we operate on a policy of responsible travel to be observed by all so that everyone can enjoy the experience to the fullest. Damage to the environment, aggressive behavior, and lack of respect for flora, fauna or other humans is not tolerated.

We also have clear policies in respect to:

  • black water treatment
  • grey water treatment
  • waste disposal
  • energy consumption

These policies are included in the guest binders and can be sent in advance to interested parties on request.

We offer a set menu of Western and local dishes with choices for vegetarians and an eye to allergies. Due to lack of local suppliers, we cannot accommodate vegan diets. All meals are planned to include fresh locally sourced produce, dairy, and fish as much as possible. Availability of ingredients on the market determines what we serve. This said, our cooks have a reputation for preparing tasty meals that delight.

Yes. Prior to a cruise, we issue a list of currently available soft drinks, beer, wine and spirits with related costs. Please note that almost all beverages are imported and so exact preferences may not be available at the time we sail. We would also like to emphasize that, with the consumption of alcohol, risks associated with diving and water activities are increased. Our policy is that drinking alcohol excludes you from further diving and water activities for the rest of the day.

Yes. While we do allow smoking in a small, designated area of the boat, there is a strict non-smoking policy inside and in most areas of the vessel. This rule is for the health and safety of guests, crew and the boat. Smoking rules will be covered in the first day briefing but are also available in the guest binder found in each cabin.

Other than for medical health purposes, drugs including cannabis are not legal in the areas we sail nor are they permitted onboard. Crew are not qualified nor are they legally allowed to offer any medical advice, other than basic first aid for which they are trained. Nor are they allowed to provide prescription drugs to guests. The availability of prescription drugs locally is limited. We therefore recommend you bring all that you need with you in the original packaging. Should you have medication requiring temperature control, bring a travel cooling case with ice packs. The ice packs can be recharged in our freezers but the medication remains in your cabin under your own supervision and care.

In general, we follow the policies of the Seychelles. Guests are required to have valid vaccination or natural immunization certificates and adequate insurance to cover related expenses. They are also requested to observe procedures for maintaining a COVID-free environment. We do not require masks onboard as there is sufficient space to maintain comfortable distances. We operate with a continuous cleaning/disinfecting procedure. However, we do require guests to inform us of any signs of a COVID infection. In the case of a suspected infection, the guest is confined to his/her quarters. If we are close to a medical testing facility, the affected persons will be required to have a PCR test. If proven positive and disembarkation is possible, this will be required as well.

If a travel warning or a restriction advising against or preventing travel to the country of the port of departure for a cruise is made known, we will hold on account any monies paid to us as a credit to use against a future booking.

In the case of technical issues which prevent the vessel from sailing, one of these two actions will apply.

  • We will provide an equivalent service on a similar type of boat.
  • We will postpone the trip to a later date without added service fees.

Do you need more information?

Call the hotline, and we`ll help you choose your trip